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Worship Ministry

The Village Music Ministry reflects Love God, Be Real, Bring Hope.

Love for the Lord is expressed in our corporate worship. Being real with one another is a key component in our weekly rehearsals. And, we seek to bring hope through worship and concert events on our campus and beyond the walls.


The Village Choir is a diverse group of young, middle, and senior adults who love to praise the Lord. Our rehearsals each week are not just a time to learn new songs; we pray for each other and call upon the Lord to do great things as we lead worship on Sunday mornings. No audition is required. Please join us for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm starting back January 8thin the choir room (upstairs in Building 2).


The Village Band is an instrumental group that meets each week on Wednesday nights in preparation for accompanying Sunday morning worship. For audition information please contact Pastor Matt.

Kidz Praize

Kidz Praize is an exciting singing, dancing, and signing to song program for kids greades k-5. Passionate leaders, Brooks Patterson and Laurie Hadfield, teach kids how to use their talents, gifts, and abilities to serve God through the arts.

When: Wednesdays starting back Jan. 8th

Time: 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm | Wednesdays

Where: Choir Room

Register for Kidz Praize


Humneo is a vocal ensemble for youth 6th grade – 12th grade who meet weekly and will perform throughout the school year.

When: Starting Back Jan. 8th

Time: 4:30 - 5:45 pm

Where: Village Worship Center

Register for Humneo


