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    • Easter Sunrise Service | 6:30 am
    • Easter Sunday Service | 10 am
    • Egg Hunt (4.20)



Village Students is the student ministry of Village Church. Our student ministry is for individuals who range from middle school to young adults. We believe all students and young adults, no matter their age, matter to God, so, as result, they matter to us. It’s our desire to inspire and equip students and young adults to authentic lives while pursuing and following Jesus. 

Village Student Ministry:

  • V56 is for any students who are in grades 5th - 6th.
  • Village Middle School is for any students who are in grades 7th-8th. 
  • Village High School is for any students who are in grades 9th-12th. 


V56 is designed to meet the needs of preteen students where they are, then we challenge and encourage them to take their next steps with Jesus, whatever that may look like. Preteens are at the age where they are beginning to develop their self-identity. It is an exciting and at times a demanding as they navigate social and developmental changes. One of our main goals is to empower 5th and 6th grade students to develop and strengthen their relationship with Jesus. 

Be a Beacon.

Matthew 5:16

Wednesdays | 6 - 7:30 pm

Sundays | 9 am 

Location: Building 6


Students grades 7-12 are invited to us for a time of fun, worship, and teaching. During this time we , hangout, worship, unpack God’s word and discuss the passage in small groups. Students are encouraged to participate and bring a friend so they to can experience Christ in a real and personal way. 

Time: Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

Location: The Hang-out (Building 9) at the south end of campus


Humneo is a vocal ensemble for youth 6th grade – 12th grade who meet weekly and will perform throughout the school year.

When: Beginning August 16

Time: 4:30 - 5:45 pm

Where: Village Worship Center


Sunday School meets each Sunday morning and is for students. We are going through the study, The Gospel Project, which is the church-wide Sunday School curriculum, helps us see what Christ has accomplished and how to apply it to our own lives.

Sundays | 9 am

5th-6th meet in bldg. 6 for Route 56 
7th-12 meet in bldg. 9


Once Sunday School is over, we will walk over to the Worship and participate in our ONE worship service at 10 am. Sunday morning worship is an essential part of Student Ministry. It is an opportunity for our students and young adults to worship collectively with the whole body of Christ through music and hearing the Word of God preached. 

Sundays | 10 am 

Here's what to expect when visiting Village Students for the first time:

First, ask a greater to lead you to the student building. There we will meet your family, check your child into our system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your student to their age-appropriate group.

Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We will not share this information with anyone):

  • Parent/guardian name(s)
  • Student's name
  • Student's birth date
  • Address
  • Number
  • Any special instructions (special needs) for your student

We need you! Our students need you! If you are interested in becoming involved and joining our Student Leadership Team, we would love to partner with you. At the end of the day, our hope is to see students, young adults, and families engaging their communities with the gospel of King Jesus to the glory of God.


FUGE 2025
Monday, June 30, 2025
6:00 am - 7:00 pm


Student Ministry Volunteer Form

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